In public telephone booths you can use coins and special cards that are sold in Portugal Telecom shops, post offices and at some kiosks and tobacconists (duly identified). All telephone numbers in Portugal are composed by nine digits. To call from a foreign country to Portugal, it is necessary to dial the international country code 00351. To call from Portugal to other country, dial 00, country code and city code, followed by the number. Countries codes are affixed in public telephone booths.
Portugal is one of the countries with the largest number of mobile phone users. The three network service providers - TMN, Vodafone and Optimus - maintain roaming agreements with most of international companies, and provide a good nationwide coverage. The Portuguese Driving Code forbids the use of mobile phones while driving, unless speakerphone or headset devices are used, with penalties for perpetrators.
Upon payment, Internet access is available at some cafes and numerous post offices that have the Netpost service. In several hotels and public spaces like Airports, Conference Rooms, Restaurants, Service Areas and Malls, there are "wireless" or "wi-fi" areas clearly marked, where you can access the internet for free.